¡Las finanzas son importantes!
Project on financial training for groups at risk of exclusion with limited training in the subject.
The project is in line with the Spanish Government’s financial education plan.
The Project
KA210-ADU -Small-Scale Partnerships in the Adult Education Sector
Project title: Finance is important!
Project number: 2021-2-PL01-KA210-ADU-000049288
Total project duration 31.05.2022-30.08.2023
Project leader: Fundación Innovación y Conocimiento (Polonia)
Project partner: Social Enterprises S.L. (España)
The objectives are
The main objective is to reduce the social exclusion of low-skilled and low-income adults. To this end, the project will create educational material and training/financial empowerment for institutions and trainers working with adults in vulnerable or excluded situations.
Project outputs
As part of the project we plan to:
- Prepare the educational package «Finance is important!» (based on the activities and experiences carried out in the countries of the project partners working on financial education of low-skilled people in this area, including vulnerable groups with low incomes).
low-skilled in this area, including vulnerable groups with low income. - Pilot trainings to be carried out for 20 participants (approx. 10 participants from 2 partner countries) as part of the effectiveness test of the results produced.
- Report summarizing and disseminating the results of the project.
During its 24-month lifetime
The project will provide in-depth knowledge of the problems and educational solutions in financial matters that are in operation in both countries.
Sources of information on the needs and systems for working with low-skilled people will be identified.
Those responsible for developing the results of the project will have the opportunity, during the project, to learn directly about the systems for developing the competencies of social assistance personnel in the participating countries and to become acquainted with the institutional and legal environment.
Funding programme
60.000 EUR
Poland, Spain